Use your table in a more efficient way
The standard height of working tables is 72–74 cm. Most often this is not enough for working on a saddle chair, and it is too low for working in a standing position. The table should be either substituted for an electrically or mechanically height-adjustable table with a recess and elbow rests, or extension pieces should be used to change the height of the table.
In addition to the feet and pelvis, in a good sitting position the weight of the body should also be divided partly on the elbows. The most advantageous way of doing this is the deep recess in the table that provides the elbows support directly under the shoulders. It's important that the elbow rests are correctly padded and placed near the body. Elbows support a notable part of the upper body's weight (5–15 kg), and this will help in keeping the shoulders relaxed and rehabilitating the lower back.
It should be easy to adjust the table to the optimal height. Optimum heights for reading and writing differ by many centimetres. The heights in the morning are different from the heights in the afternoon, since the spine shortens during the day. Standing is also a good alternative. In the optimum situation, the table has eight automatic height settings.