Salli Saddle Chair Reviews
On this page you can see the Salli Saddle chair (and accessories) reviews we have received via our website. Rest assured these are genuine, and we are sure we can help you "sit happy" as well.
It has been both scientifically proven and experimentally shown that conventional sitting leads to health problems. In this text Sanna Hakala, M.Sc., Physiotherapist, explains why conventional sitting is dangerous.
Salli Saddle chairs provide a great solution to work in a good posture, as well as reducing tissue (and genital) pressure while sitting due to its split design.
Genital pressure from some saddle chairs can cause you to modify the way you sit, compromising your posture and reducing their effectiveness.
How much does the dental team spend on therapy and medication and still the literature is full of articles confirming up to 80% of dentists have problems in their bodies from work?