Salli Review - Entrepreneur
I had a rupture two years ago and even though it is now almost healed I still can not sit on regular chairs without having problems with the back again. I sit on the Salli chair in the office and vary it with a pilates ball and standing. Recently I sat in a car for six hours and got trouble again, but after taking the Salli chair to the expo with me and siting on it for a day the problems were gone. Thank you for a great product.
Anders Blomqvist, Earthingpeople, entrepreneur
Sweden, 28.1.2018
I love my beautiful chair from Salli that I use for office work. I'm really looking forward to have Sallis also in my home-office around the kitchen table. Highly recommended!
Tina Lee Möller
Stockholm, Sweden, 1.12.2017
About 10 years ago I bought a Salli Saddle Chair for my office, since I had had a herniated disc.
Today I can say that not only this back problem is overcome, but I have noticed that there have also been advantages in genital health.
Thanks to the divided seat surface of the saddle chair, a relaxed sitting is possible. In addition to the demonstrably improved PSA and libido values, even the potency has become stronger, which is beneficial for a loving partnership, too.
Retrospectively I can say: The purchase of a Salli Saddle Chair was a stroke of luck in many ways
Male Salli user, 60 years old
Northern Germany, 22.4.2014