Salli Saddle Chair Use In Dental Care
In dental care the sitting position is the greatest health risk, because during long operations the position is unnatural and involves a lot of repetitive movements. Sitting in a bad position puts twice as much strain on the spine as standing.
Dentists often retire early because of various problems in their shoulders, neck and lower back. Almost everybody working in dentistry is affected by poor circulation in the lower extremities, shortage of oxygen, problems in hip, knee and shoulder joints, or genital health problems.
On a two-part saddle chair the back is in the same position as when standing, and the lower back lordosis can be maintained. That is not the case on one-part saddle chairs because there is a lot of pressure on the genital area and that makes you round your back. That position is a tremendous health risk for the disks and vertebrae in the lower back.
The active sitting of Salli Pro guarantees the wide hip angle even in positions where you need to lean forward. The weight of the upper body is always evenly divided on the seat because the seat adapts to your movements.
Allround is excellent for dentists, dental surgeons or dental assistants. The support can be used on either side of the chair, and also as a stretching support by moving it to the backside of the chair. Allround is attached to the gas cylinder of the chair, so it can be used with all the basic Salli chair models.
ErgoRest hand support is available with the Salli Ultra. A very good accessory in long operations.
Foot Height Control enables you to adjust the height hygienically, without touching the lever by hand.