Don't sit, don't stand – let salli keep your back in motion

Neither sitting nor standing. Sitting on a saddle chair combines the good things, and none of the bad, of both.
Marketing Manager, physiotherapist Maija Korpi will give a lecture on the new possibilities of sitting on Sunday at 12.00. Welcome to listen, and to come and test the new kind of sitting at our stand E419!
Salli, new possibilities of sitting
We are sitting for hours at work, at home, and while travelling. Sitting in the right way gives us the possibility to keep up with this change also physiologically. When we are sitting in a good position muscles and joints are at rest, and only the muscles that maintain the posture work. Little movement while sitting enhances metabolism and both circulation and lymph flow. This also makes the brain function effectively!
Maija Korpi is a physiotherapist and an expert on work ergonomics. She is especially familiar with the posture: what makes a good posture and what we can do about it. She is especially interested in comprehensive wellbeing at work, in working space solutions that help one to keep healthy, and in paying attention to the personal measurements when considering ergonomics.